Habits free up executive control resources Habits help you persist in reaching your goals The word “habit” elicits a somewhat negative connotation. As in a drug habit. But healthy habits can be your indispensable friends.What is a habit, anyway? In her new book, Good Habits, Bad Habits, Wendy Wood, a psychology professor at UCLA, defines…
Why Don’t Older People Exercise More?
It’s not that exercise lacks benefits What about costs, lack of time, physical limitations? Regular physical activity reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, falls, cognitive impairments, osteoporosis, and muscular weakness. By contrast, the sedentary lifestyle that typifies many older people predicts premature onset of ill health, disease, and frailty. Physical activity is safe for healthy…
A Healthy Trifecta
Volunteering builds better health three ways Keep Moving, Cultivate Social Connections, Live with Purpose Do you think you don’t have enough time our days to make healthy choices that you know would benefit you? Volunteering can help you make three healthy choices almost simultaneously. The first healthy choice, Keep Moving, includes incidental movements of daily…
Workplace Wellness Champions
Employees volunteer as peer leaders and undergo training. Peer support typically features: 1) employee empowerment and self-efficacy to adopt healthy behaviors, 2) a participant-centered approach that addresses an individual’s interests and values in an “as lived” context, and 3) attention to current health concerns.