Tag Archives: healthy choices

Trade an Hour of Daily Sitting for Something Healthier

Compared to subjects who reported no physical activity, those who reported 64 minutes per day had the greatest reduction in risk of premature death (39 percent lower risk). Walking contributed most to physical activity in the study. Would you be willing to trade an hour of sitting in front of the tube each day for an hour of walking?

Keep Reading

I recommend reading biographies of noteworthy persons to Keep Learning. Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote sterling biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Ron Chernow penned engaging books about George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and US Grant. David McCullough brings alive the formative years that Theodore Roosevelt spent as a rancher in North Dakota. His biography of John Adams will also pique your interest.

Develop a Growth Mindset

At the beginning of the study, students with fixed and growth mindsets showed no differences in math scores. However, over the two years of the study, the math scores of students with a growth mindset exceeded the scores of students with a fixed mindset. Students who believed that intelligence was malleable pursued their learning goals more diligently and were more likely to believe that working hard was necessary for learning than those who thought intelligence was fixed.

Eat Breakfast or Skip It?

Breakfasts that contained larger amounts of protein (30 grams of more), more energy (more than 350 calories), and which consisted of solid foods (as opposed to liquids) led to greater appetite control and satiety compared to breakfast skipping.