
Extra-virgin Olive Oil May Promote Better Mental Function

What’s so special about olive oil? Olive oil contains primarily mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are linked to better health. In addition, olive oil contains as many as 100 polyphenolic compounds, some of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil may exert its evident health effects via anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic effects and by…

It’s No Wonder We Americans Make Unhealthy Choices

You don’t need to look far to find alarming stories about Americans’ unhealthy behaviors. Such stories commonly mention poor diets, insufficient physical activity, excess alcohol drinking, smoking and street drugs. These unhealthy behaviors predict rising prevalence of major chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. Most deaths in developed countries now…

Triggers of Heart Attack and Stroke

Nine factors linked to stroke risk A massive team of international collaborators investigated potentially modifiable risk factors for acute stroke among 26,919 participants in 32 countries. Researchers identified 10 potentially modifiable risk factors that collectively accounted for 90.7 percent of all strokes, 91.5 percent of ischemic stroke, and 87.1 percent of intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke worldwide.…

Ways to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance Your metabolic health depends, in large part, on your body’s ability to maintain blood sugar (glucose) levels in a relatively narrow range. And when blood sugar rises above the healthy upper limit, as happens after a meal, to bring blood sugar back into the healthy range in short order. The…