
Lose weight? Build cardiorespiratory fitness?

What is the point of losing weight? Do you want to lose weight to become more physically attractive? Or to fit into your existing wardrobe more easily? Or to improve your overall health? If your main reason is to improve your overall health, losing weight is probably not your best bet for two reasons. First,…

Three Flavors of Forgiveness

Types of forgiveness Forgiveness of others refers to pardoning someone for the other person’s transgressions and letting go of retribution. Self-forgiveness refers to acknowledging one’s responsibility for a transgression then releasing self-condemnation. Divine forgiveness acknowledges that God (or some other expression of a higher power) forgives completely one’s transgressions. Other forgiveness and emotional well-being Does…

Overcome Your Fear of Falling

Build your strength, balance, and flexibility to reduce your risk of falling If you are over age 65 and living at home, you have a 29 percent chance of falling over the next year. About 10 percent of falls result in injuries, such as fractures or sprains, which require medical attention. In the US, fall-related…

Kidney Disease

Diet sodas and end-stage renal disease End-stage renal disease refers to kidney disease that has advanced such that either dialysis or a transplant is required to keep living. Soft drinks appear to be linked to kidney disease. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University examined whether higher consumption of artificially- or sugar-sweetened soft drinks predicted increased risk…