Two groups of Israeli seniors weigh in on successful aging Keep Moving, Eat Better, Cultivate Social Connections, Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, Live with Purpose Most studies of healthy aging focus on risk factors or steps that elders can take to increase their Quality of Lifespan. Two recent studies took a different approach, both seeking…
Biological Age Vs. Chronological Age
Biological aging starts early in adulthood Reduced biological aging predicts major benefits Chronic disease exacts a huge toll on Americans and the US medical care system. The burden of chronic diseases rises exponentially with age. Thus, it makes sense for those of us in our younger years to take steps to reduce our risk of…
Serving More Than Self
Our nature includes serving others Service benefits us and others Embracing the lifestyle choices of Cultivate Social Connections and Live with Purpose pave the way for us to become loving, nurturing people whose lives manifest service to others. We humans are evolutionarily hard-wired for connection. If we don’t make satisfying connections with other people, we…
Optimism and Health

Greater Optimism Predicts Living Longer and Better What if You Have an Optimistic Spouse? Do optimistic people really live longer than pessimists? Researchers at the University of Michigan used data from 6,985 participants at least 50 years of age in the 2006 wave of the Health and Retirement Study to find out. The well-validated Life…