Ultra-processed foods promote over-eating Practical steps you can take to eat less ultra-processed food Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) typically include industrial formulations of five or more ingredients, especially salt, sugar, fats, flavors, and colors. Common UPFs include candies, mass-produced breads, energy bars, sugar-sweetened drinks, frozen dinners, and most snack foods. People who eat lots of UPFs…
Looking for Health In All The Wrong Places
A critique of the food industry, conventional agriculture, and nutrition research What do animal behavior and nutrition have to do with humans? Nourishment summarizes what animal behavior researcher Fred Provenza has learned (thus far) during his life. You might not think that a person who has spent many hours watching goats and sheep decide what…
Eat Vegetables Before Carbs to Lower Post-meal Blood Sugar
Eat your vegetables first at mealtime Keep your blood sugar in a healthy range The amount and type of carbohydrate eaten at a meal affects post-meal blood glucose levels. Keeping blood glucose levels in check after meals helps prevent or manage type 2 diabetes. Would the order in which meal components, as expressed in terms…
Veggie Burgers vs. Beef Burgers
Are veggie burgers nutritionally complete substitutes for beef burgers? Do veggie burgers have a smaller ecological footprint than beef burgers? Evidence suggests that diets high in red meat predict greater risk of adverse health outcomes including cardiovascular disease and mortality. Contrarily, high-quality omnivorous diets (including meat and lots of selected plant foods) do not show…