Category Archives: Uncategorized

Coronary Heart Disease Quiz

What’s your risk of coronary heart disease? Can you lower that risk? Coronary heart disease refers to conditions that adversely affect your heart's structure and function. It accounts for about 30 percent of all deaths globally and 80 percent of cardiovascular disease deaths in developed countries. A decade and a half ago, European researchers in…

You Don’t Want Type 2 Diabetes

Do you know your risk of developing type 2 diabetes? Keep reading and find out The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing globally and accounts for a substantial portion of American medical care costs. The good news: You can prevent type 2 diabetes with better lifestyle choices, especially Keep Moving and Eat Better. Several…

Hearing Loss and Physical Decline in Older Adults

Most American seniors have hearing loss Hearing aids can reverse its adverse effects You probably wouldn’t have guessed that a 2017 study in the prestigious journal, Lancet, identified hearing loss as a leading contributor to mortality across the globe. A 2021 study showed that hearing loss predicted significant declines in objectively measured physical activity. The…

How to Cut Back on Ultra-processed Foods

Ultra-processed foods promote over-eating Practical steps you can take to eat less ultra-processed food Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) typically include industrial formulations of five or more ingredients, especially salt, sugar, fats, flavors, and colors. Common UPFs include candies, mass-produced breads, energy bars, sugar-sweetened drinks, frozen dinners, and most snack foods. People who eat lots of UPFs…