Tag Archives: type 2 diabetes

The Cost Savings of Better Diabetes Management

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed and managed effectively The cost-savings could be huge It is now well-established that remission occurs for type 2 diabetes. But just how prevalent is diabetic remission? Researchers in the UK used cross-sectional data from 117,048 adults over age 30 the Scottish Care Information-Diabetes registry to document the prevalence of…

Eat Foods With Lower Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Reduce the glycemic index / load of foods you eat Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and coronary heart disease Glycemic index (GI) refers to the relative rise in blood sugar after consuming a particular food.  Glycemic load (GL) adjusts the GI value for serving size. The bigger the serving size, the…

Do Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes Reduce Consumption?

Simulations by economists say they should Does real-world evidence agree? Sugar-sweetened beverages provide little or no nutritional benefit. A recent review finds that higher intake predicts increased risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and coronary heart disease. Our bodies may not properly account for the caloric value of sugar-sweetened beverages. The “extra” 140 calories…

Eat Vegetables Before Carbs to Lower Post-meal Blood Sugar

Eat your vegetables first at mealtime Keep your blood sugar in a healthy range The amount and type of carbohydrate eaten at a meal affects post-meal blood glucose levels. Keeping blood glucose levels in check after meals helps prevent or manage type 2 diabetes. Would the order in which meal components, as expressed in terms…