Tag Archives: social connections

Pros and Cons of Being at Home

Cleaning the Garage Sitting Around and Overeating The COVID-19 epidemic is top-of-mind for most Americans. Prudence dictates taking precautions. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly after being in public places. Keep your hands out of your eyes, nose, and mouth especially when outside. Keep a respectful distance from non-household persons to reduce risk of exposure…

A Healthy Trifecta

Volunteering builds better health three ways Keep Moving, Cultivate Social Connections, Live with Purpose Do you think you don’t have enough time our days to make healthy choices that you know would benefit you? Volunteering can help you make three healthy choices almost simultaneously. The first healthy choice, Keep Moving, includes incidental movements of daily…

Trade an Hour of Daily Sitting for Something Healthier

Compared to subjects who reported no physical activity, those who reported 64 minutes per day had the greatest reduction in risk of premature death (39 percent lower risk). Walking contributed most to physical activity in the study. Would you be willing to trade an hour of sitting in front of the tube each day for an hour of walking?

Benefits of Environmental Volunteering

Multiple Gains from Making Friends, Doing Good Deeds, and Being in Nature Keep Moving, Live with Purpose, Cultivate Social Connections Keep Moving is one of nine healthy lifestyle choices that nurtures body, mind, and spirit. Numerous studies link volunteering with positive physical and mental health outcomes in mid-life and later. Surprisingly, research has minimally addressed…