Tag Archives: social connections

Can Technology Foster Social Connections Among Seniors?

What’s the big deal about social connections? Cultivate social connections is one of the nine lifestyle choices that nurture body, mind, and spirit. In fact, some experts believe that cultivating social connections provides more health and well-being benefits than any other lifestyle choice. These benefits include better cardiovascular and mental health and increased longevity, among…

A Companion Dog Can Enrich Your Life

Dogs as social catalysts In the latter part of the 20th Century, research suggested that dog ownership predicted better health and well-being. In particular, companion dogs seemed to function as social catalysts. In 2000, two British researchers conducted two experiments to clarify whether the social interactions depended on the attributes of the dog or the…

Healthy Living on the Camino de Santiago

As you know, Keep Moving might be the single most important healthy lifestyle choice that you can embrace and incorporate into your daily life. Last week, my wife, Betsy, and I returned from Spain after hiking the Camino de Santiago (also known as the Camino Frances). We started on April 21 in St. Jean Pied…

Understanding and Reducing Loneliness

Loneliness is feeling You can avoid loneliness with social connections Loneliness refers to the discrepancy between expected and actual social relationships. Loneliness is a subjective feeling, while social isolation reflects to objective scarcity or absence of members of a social network. While similar, loneliness and social isolation can lead to different poor health outcomes. The…