Category Archives: Uncategorized

More Fiber, More Benefits

People typically respond to calls to eat more fiber the way they respond to calls to exercise more: Yawn! But don't be short-sighted. Eating more fiber predicts a host of impressive benefits. The average American eats about 15 grams of fiber per day. That’s about half of the recommended minimum amount of about 30 grams…

Social Isolation Limits Quality of Lifespan

Loneliness leads to bad outcomes High social isolation predicts earlier death Loneliness refers to perceived social isolation. Quality of Lifespan reflects the amount of time during our life when we function at a particular level. Evidence continues to accumulate that loneliness limits Quality of Lifespan by reducing both longevity and functionality. Loneliness researchers Louise Hawkley…

Type 2 Diabetes & Its Complications

Diabetes Is Bad, Its Complications Are Worse You Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes People with type 2 diabetes find themselves at higher risk for numerous bad health outcomes. These include increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and impaired peripheral circulation, among others. Impaired peripheral circulation in tiny arteries leads to serious complications, such as amputations…

Manage Your Blood Sugar

Your body readily digests sugar and refined gains and quickly turns them into glucose (blood sugar). Fiber slows the digestive process and reduces the spikes in blood sugar that occur after meals, especially when you eat sugary and starchy foods. Where do you get fiber? From fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.