Reduce blood sugar Type 2 diabetes reflects excess blood sugar over long periods of time. Increased physical activity reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and improves its management. Physical activity increases muscle demand for blood sugar thereby reducing blood sugar levels. Researchers in Canada tested whether high-intensity interval training (HIIT) could reduce excess…
Seniors Need Nuscle
Muscle strength declines in later life You might not consider “seniors” and “muscle” in the same thought. Aging is a complex process that typically involves, among other things, progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. Muscle deterioration predicts unfavorable outcomes, such as increased risks of mortality, falls, sarcopenia, and dementia. Mortality Reduced muscle mass and/or…
Improve Your Metabolic Health
What is metabolic health? Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that occur in our body. These reactions turn energy in food into energy for moving about and regulate blood sugar among countless other things. Metabolic health refers to maintaining certain factors in ranges that foster proper functioning. Poor metabolic health predicts increased risk of chronic…
Handgrip Strength
Late-life disability Disability in old age can severely compromise quality of life. Research indicates that decreased muscle strength may lead to disability and functional limitations. Could handgrip strength serve as an easily measured and valid predictor of disability in old age? Researchers used data from the Honolulu Heart Program and the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study to…