Types of front-of-package labels A poor diet predicts increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. We Americans are constantly tempted by foods that have little or no nutritional value. Small labels on the front of food packages that present some aspect of food quality might help purchasers shift their buying to healthier items.…
Dairy Foods – Healthful or Harmful?
Saturated fats in dairy foods Dairy foods are controversial in terms of their health impacts. Although dairy contains high amounts of high-quality protein and calcium, it also contains high amounts of saturated fats. Over the past 50 years, health authorities have recommended limiting intakes of saturated fats, such as those in dairy products, especially the…
Can Food Prescriptions Improve Diet and Health?
What are food prescriptions? Physicians write prescriptions for medications to help cure illnesses. Recently, doctors and other health professionals have begun writing food prescriptions to encourage people, particularly those in limited financial means, to buy and eat healthy foods. The Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Grant Program in the US Department of Agriculture supports projects that…
Avoid Stroke with a Better Diet
Eat more fruits and vegetables Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability globally. Preventing stroke with better lifestyle choices has the potential to greatly reduce the incidence of stroke over time. The Working Group for Nutrition and Stroke in Italy conducted a systematic review of meta-analyses that evaluated risk of death from stroke…