
Successful Aging According to Seniors

Two groups of Israeli seniors weigh in on successful aging Keep Moving, Eat Better, Cultivate Social Connections, Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, Live with Purpose Most studies of healthy aging focus on risk factors or steps that elders can take to increase their Quality of Lifespan. Two recent studies took a different approach, both seeking…

Monitor Your Cardiovascular Disease Risk

The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol is a good marker if you're low-risk The ratio of apoB to apoA-1 may be better if you're high-risk Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) kill more Americans than any other cause. Thus, it behooves us, especially those of us who are at higher risk for CVD, to monitor our risk…

How to Read a Food Label

Read the fine print Words on a package may be misleading 1) Ingredients must be listed in decreasing order of abundance. For example, if you’re buying a loaf of whole wheat bread, the first ingredient should be “whole wheat flour” or some other whole grain flour. Remember that “wheat flour” and “organic unbleached wheat flour”…

Soft Drinks

Sugar and sugar-free? How about avoiding both? There’s little doubt that high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages predicts adverse health outcomes. But the links between artificially sweetened beverages and health remain unsettled. Researchers at Harvard and elsewhere recently reported results from 80,647 women followed for 34 years in the Nurses’ Health Study and 37,716 men followed…