Recent Posts by Alan Carpenter

Treat Hypertension with Traditional Chinese Exercises

What are traditional Chinese exercises? Traditional Chinese exercises combine physical and mental techniques that feature breathing, body movements, breathing, and meditation. Examples include Tai Chi and Qigong, both of which have several versions. These exercises may be suitable for persons who can’t or won’t embrace more typical Western exercises such as jogging, running, or resistance…

What I’ve Learned from Researching and Writing 250 Healthy Living Blog Posts

I published in my book, Choose Better, Live Better – Nine Healthy Choices that Nurture Body, Mind, and Spirit, in 2020. At that time, I believed that I’d identified the key lifestyle choices over which I and you can exert substantial control on a daily basis. Reading and summarizing over a thousand peer-reviewed journal articles…

Walk Faster for Better Health

Walking speed: the sixth vital sign Walking speed predicts a host of health outcomes and it’s easily and reliably measured with minimal equipment and cost. Given the ability of walking speed to predict health, two physical therapy researchers called walking speed the sixth vital sign, accompanying the five routinely measured vital signs of blood pressure,…

Food Is Medicine Update

Diet-related chronic diseases The global epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases, coupled with the increasing awareness that many people face major obstacles in acquiring healthy foods, prompted increased attention to food is medicine (FIM). This term refers to the provision of healthy foods to prevent, manage, or treat diet-related chronic diseases in conjunction  with health professionals.…

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