Recent Posts by Alan Carpenter

Biological Age Vs. Chronological Age

Biological aging starts early in adulthood Reduced biological aging predicts major benefits Chronic disease exacts a huge toll on Americans and the US medical care system. The burden of chronic diseases rises exponentially with age. Thus, it makes sense for those of us in our younger years to take steps to reduce our risk of…

Fat Location Matters

Where does your body fat reside? Belly fat predicts higher mortality risk Subcutaneous fat occurs just beneath the skin. Visceral fat occurs within the abdominal cavity. Researchers used data from 3,001 participants in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring and Third-Generation cohorts to determine links between these types of fat and metabolic risk factors, such as…

Reduce Major Mobility Disability

Disability diminishes quality of life for older people Physical activity can reverse disability Physical activity is widely regarded as a key aspect of lifelong health and well-being. But does physical activity help prevent disability that arises from mobility limitations in older adults? The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders (LIFE) study addressed this question. This…

Reduce Your Risk of Falling

Falling can break your hip Half of 80 year old people who break a hip die within a year Multicomponent physical training—including muscle power, balance, and gait—can reduce risk of falls for older people and increase their Quality of Lifespan. But would training benefit the oldest old? A randomized controlled trial examined the effects of…

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