Aging and chronic diseases The aging of humanity, especially in developed countries, and the chronic diseases of older people pose huge challenges to medical care. The current model of medical research and practice features investigation and treatment of specific diseases. Yet, recent research suggests that biological aging underlies the development of most chronic diseases. A…
About: Alan Carpenter
Recent Posts by Alan Carpenter
Meal Timing and Metabolic Health
Eat the same number of calories for better metabolic health Hit a home run: Eat more calories earlier in the day by shifting your food intake from dinner to lunch and/or from lunch to breakfast. Also, shift your calories from sugars and starches to vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts. You can improve your metabolic health…
Healthy Living on the Camino de Santiago
As you know, Keep Moving might be the single most important healthy lifestyle choice that you can embrace and incorporate into your daily life. Last week, my wife, Betsy, and I returned from Spain after hiking the Camino de Santiago (also known as the Camino Frances). We started on April 21 in St. Jean Pied…
Social Isolation Hurts in Multiple Ways
Socially isolated people die sooner Social isolation can be defined as the objective state of having few social connections or infrequent contact with other people. Scientists widely believe that social isolation is undesirable for most people. But is social isolation associated with a shorter life? A recent study used data from the English Longitudinal Study…
Recent Comments by Alan Carpenter
- February 17, 2022 on Red Meat – Is it Really Bad for You?
- February 17, 2022 on Coffee – Good or Bad or Both?