Tag Archives: well-being

Benefits of Environmental Volunteering

Multiple Gains from Making Friends, Doing Good Deeds, and Being in Nature Keep Moving, Live with Purpose, Cultivate Social Connections Keep Moving is one of nine healthy lifestyle choices that nurtures body, mind, and spirit. Numerous studies link volunteering with positive physical and mental health outcomes in mid-life and later. Surprisingly, research has minimally addressed…

Learn to Listen

Cultivate social connections Make closer friendships Listening is essential to form and maintain strong, healthy social relationships. Listening allows you to be open, generous, and connected with others, especially those who are close to you emotionally. If you don’t listen carefully to others, you’ll have a tough time making and keeping friends. You’ll also have…

Loneliness Can Kill You

Loneliness is a state of mind But loneliness also harms the body Loneliness is a condition in which persons see themselves to be socially isolated as a consequence of perceived inadequate social connections. Loneliness can have serious consequences for health and well-being, including increased risk of dying. Loneliness is a growing public health problem that…

Learn to Forgive

Do you cart around a gunnysack filled with bitterness, anger, and resentments? Would your life improve if you dumped the gunnysack? Research shows that forgiveness can help you achieve lifelong vibrant health and emotional well-being.  Learning to forgive others for their real and imagined transgressions can turn your life around. Recalling angry moments in life…