Tag Archives: well-being

Workplace Wellness Champions

Employees volunteer as peer leaders and undergo training. Peer support typically features: 1) employee empowerment and self-efficacy to adopt healthy behaviors, 2) a participant-centered approach that addresses an individual’s interests and values in an “as lived” context, and 3) attention to current health concerns.

Keep Reading

I recommend reading biographies of noteworthy persons to Keep Learning. Doris Kearns Goodwin wrote sterling biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Ron Chernow penned engaging books about George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and US Grant. David McCullough brings alive the formative years that Theodore Roosevelt spent as a rancher in North Dakota. His biography of John Adams will also pique your interest.

Ramp Up Your Optimism

You can learn to be more optimistic Boost your health and well-being Optimism predicts a host of desirable outcomes, including higher positive affect (better mood), higher well-being, greater resilience to negative events, and faster recovery from surgery. But can pessimistic people learn to become optimistic? Can optimistic people become even more optimistic? The answer is…

Develop a Growth Mindset

At the beginning of the study, students with fixed and growth mindsets showed no differences in math scores. However, over the two years of the study, the math scores of students with a growth mindset exceeded the scores of students with a fixed mindset. Students who believed that intelligence was malleable pursued their learning goals more diligently and were more likely to believe that working hard was necessary for learning than those who thought intelligence was fixed.