Tag Archives: mortality

Olive Oil, Cardiovascular Health, and Mortality

Eating more olive oil predicts better cardiovascular health, lower mortality risk Aim for extra-virgin olive oil Olive oil is a key component of the Mediterranean diet. Observational studies and one randomized trial (the Lyon Diet Heart Study) suggest that a Mediterranean-style diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. A more recent randomized controlled trial (PREDIMED)…

Just a Little Daily Movement Helps

Interrupt prolonged sitting with standing Stand more, live longer Abundant evidence shows that prolonged, uninterrupted sitting predicts poor health outcomes. Standing might improve health compared to sitting. Data from 16,586 participants with an average age of 42 years at baseline in the 1981 Canadian Fitness Survey offered an opportunity to test this idea. Participants were…

How Many Steps Per Day?

Is 10,000 the magic number? Maybe not magic, but 10,000 daily steps can improve your health Accelerometers are small, simple, inexpensive devices that capture data to calculate the number of daily steps. While accelerometers are relatively new in America, they’ve been used in Japan since the 1960s. Japanese widely embrace a goal of 10,000 steps…