I published in my book, Choose Better, Live Better – Nine Healthy Choices that Nurture Body, Mind, and Spirit, in 2020. At that time, I believed that I’d identified the key lifestyle choices over which I and you can exert substantial control on a daily basis. Reading and summarizing over a thousand peer-reviewed journal articles…
Does Prediabetes Lead to Type 2 Diabetes?
Not very often But let prediabetes alert you to make better lifestyle choices Prediabetes is a condition, based on modestly elevated blood sugar levels, which can precede type 2 diabetes. But prediabetes does not inevitably lead to type 2 diabetes. Researchers used data from 2,575 participants over age 60 without diabetes (36 percent with prediabetes)…
Reduce Your Risk of Falling
Falling can break your hip Half of 80 year old people who break a hip die within a year Multicomponent physical training—including muscle power, balance, and gait—can reduce risk of falls for older people and increase their Quality of Lifespan. But would training benefit the oldest old? A randomized controlled trial examined the effects of…
Pros and Cons of Being at Home
Cleaning the Garage Sitting Around and Overeating The COVID-19 epidemic is top-of-mind for most Americans. Prudence dictates taking precautions. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly after being in public places. Keep your hands out of your eyes, nose, and mouth especially when outside. Keep a respectful distance from non-household persons to reduce risk of exposure…
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