Tag Archives: healthy lifestyle

Use a Fitness Monitor

What’s your level of daily physical activity? Most people have no idea. Lack of self-monitoring may partially account for the fact that most US adults don’t get the recommended minimum of 30 minutes of daily moderate intensity physical activity. Most US adults don’t take the recommended minimum of 10,000 daily steps, either. Why is self-monitoring…

Eat Better is Pretty Simple

Broccoli for breakfast will help you eat better Imagine that you’re highly motivated to eat better. You start reading articles and books. You talk to others whom you respect. It won’t take long before you run up against conflicting opinions as to what to put in your mouth. A reasonable person might become discouraged and…


Learn to Forgive Fred Luskin is the Director and Co-founder of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project. His book, Forgive for Good, provides a readable and helpful account of how you can use forgiveness to get over long-term grievances that sap energy from your life. You can learn to forgive everyone for perceived slights that you…

Get a Dog, Walk Your Dog, and Live Better

Fido Can Improve Your Health & Well-Being When my family adopted Amelia J Puppy Dog from the Boulder Humane Society in 2002, we had no idea how profoundly she would alter our lives for the better. Given that she was 9 months old when we got her, our new friend had lots of energy. In…