Two groups of Israeli seniors weigh in on successful aging Keep Moving, Eat Better, Cultivate Social Connections, Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, Live with Purpose Most studies of healthy aging focus on risk factors or steps that elders can take to increase their Quality of Lifespan. Two recent studies took a different approach, both seeking…
Why Don’t Older People Exercise More?
It’s not that exercise lacks benefits What about costs, lack of time, physical limitations? Regular physical activity reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, falls, cognitive impairments, osteoporosis, and muscular weakness. By contrast, the sedentary lifestyle that typifies many older people predicts premature onset of ill health, disease, and frailty. Physical activity is safe for healthy…
Ramp Up Your Optimism
You can learn to be more optimistic Boost your health and well-being Optimism predicts a host of desirable outcomes, including higher positive affect (better mood), higher well-being, greater resilience to negative events, and faster recovery from surgery. But can pessimistic people learn to become optimistic? Can optimistic people become even more optimistic? The answer is…
Your View of Aging
Does your view of aging matter? Does a positive view of aging predict living better? Part of developing a positive mental attitude involves adopting a positive attitude toward growing older. Unfortunately, many Americans perceive aging in a negative light. Could negative perceptions toward aging affect our longevity and health? Remarkably, as of 2002, no one…