Sleep is vital for lifelong health and well-being. But do you realize just how beneficial sleep can be? The following list includes twelve potential benefits of regular, adequate, restful sleep. Repair of worn or broken tissues – It doesn’t take much imagination that realize that your body needs time to repair worn parts. Sleep provides…
Eat Your Way to Better Health
Eat Your Way to Better Health. Where do you start to improve your health through eating better? I recommend from Jonny Bowden's book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. In this up-to-date and engaging book, Bowden identifies a subset of the 150 healthiest foods as all-star foods.
Achieve Your Goals with Implementation Intentions
Exhaustive research shows that people who set challenging and specific goals for themselves accomplish more than people who don’t set goals. While setting goals might be easy, achieving them can be another matter. You may have wondered what you can do to improve your chances of realizing your goals. You’ve heard the old saw, the…