Eating more protein may improve your health Omnivore or vegan? Let’s say you read my last blog post. You believe that eating at least 1.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight each day (at the low end of the range in the previous post) would improve your health. What might you eat to…
Do You Eat Enough Protein?
Official guidelines may be too low Increase protein at breakfast Science can be bothersome at times, providing contradictory guidelines for what we eat. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is expressed as number of grams of protein eaten per kilogram of body weight per day. For both adult men and adult women, experts proposed…
Eat Earlier, Lose Weight

Having trouble losing weight? Try this. Make breakfast or lunch rather than dinner your biggest meal of the day. Recent studies suggest that shifting eating to earlier in the day can help you lose weight. Without having to cut or count calories. Overweight or obese volunteers in California were eating-restricted to 10 hours per day…
Eat Better is Pretty Simple

Broccoli for breakfast will help you eat better Imagine that you’re highly motivated to eat better. You start reading articles and books. You talk to others whom you respect. It won’t take long before you run up against conflicting opinions as to what to put in your mouth. A reasonable person might become discouraged and…