Tag Archives: eat better

Manage Your Blood Sugar

Your body readily digests sugar and refined gains and quickly turns them into glucose (blood sugar). Fiber slows the digestive process and reduces the spikes in blood sugar that occur after meals, especially when you eat sugary and starchy foods. Where do you get fiber? From fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

Hazards of Ultra-processed Foods

Lots of salt, sugar, unhealthy oils, additives, and calories Cut back on ultra-processed foods to Eat Better In his wildly successful book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan proposed eating foods that grandma ate and avoiding highly processed foods that she didn’t eat. That sounds nice, but does evidence support this advice? A new study in…

The Power of Push-ups

Forty push-ups predicts vastly lower risk of cardiovascular disease Why would this be? A brand new study showed that active adult men who could perform 40 or more push-ups without stopping had a 96 percent (!) lower risk of new cardiovascular events over a 10-year follow-up period compared to active adult men who could perform…

Low Fat? Low Carb?

Maybe it doesn’t matter that much What about eating better? Chris Gardner’s article reporting the results of the DIETFIT randomized, clinical trial made a big splash in the news media in 2018. The trial tested whether a healthy low-fat or a healthy low-carb diet would promote greater weight loss. And the answer: A tie. Low-fat…