Tag Archives: cardiovascular disease

The Perils of Visceral and Ectopic Fat

Visceral and ectopic versus subcutaneous body fat Aerobic xercise helps reduce visceral fat With fat, location matters. Visceral fat occurs within the abdominal cavity. Subcutaneous fat occurs just beneath the skin. Researchers used data from 3,001 participants in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring and Third-Generation cohorts to determine links between these two types of fat…

Eat Foods With Lower Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Reduce the glycemic index / load of foods you eat Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and coronary heart disease Glycemic index (GI) refers to the relative rise in blood sugar after consuming a particular food.  Glycemic load (GL) adjusts the GI value for serving size. The bigger the serving size, the…

Turn Back the Clock

Healthy choices lower your risk of cardiovascular disease Baby boomers aren’t making enough healthy choices It makes sense that people who adopt healthy lifestyle habits earlier in life would improve their health and well-being. But do people who adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors later in life benefit as well? Researchers from the University of South Carolina…

A Vegetarian Diet and Stroke

Are vegetarians healthier than meat eaters? What about stroke? Stroke greatly increases your risk of serious mental and physical disability. A 2016 report from the EPIC-Oxford study in the UK did not show a significant link between vegetarianism and death due to stroke. But a 2019 update of the EPIC-Oxford study of 48,188 participants showed…