Tag Archives: cardiorespiratory fitness

Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness = Better Aging

The secret is to Keep Moving Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) refers to the body’s maximal to process oxygen. Low CRF might be the best single predictor of risk of cardiovascular disease, premature death, and accelerated aging. Lower mortality risk for older people Levels of physical and cardiorespiratory fitness typically decline with age, while the tendency toward…

Build Cardiorespiratory Fitness in 14 Minutes a Week

Tiny amounts of all-out exercise produce big results Increase VO2 max with minimal time Interval training has experienced a recent surge in academic research. Canadian researchers Jenna Gillen and Martin Gibala distinguish among several types of interval training, which can lead to different cardiovascular outcomes. High-intensity interval training involves short, relatively intense but sub-maximal periods…

Forget Dieting to Lose Weight

Dieting for weight loss usually fails over the long-term Weight cycling may harm your health Are you on a diet to lose weight? If so, you’ve got lots of company. In the US, the prevalence of women dieting to lose weight increased from 14 percent in 1950-1966 to 57 percent in 2003-2008. For men, the prevalence…

Slash Your Risk of Stroke

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and poor quality of life Healthy lifestyle choices can largely prevent or postpone stroke You’ve all heard of stroke, but what is it, anyway? Stroke refers to either a clot in an artery in the brain that blocks blood flow (ischemic stroke) or a blood vessel in the…