Aging and chronic diseases The aging of humanity, especially in developed countries, and the chronic diseases of older people pose huge challenges to medical care. The current model of medical research and practice features investigation and treatment of specific diseases. Yet, recent research suggests that biological aging underlies the development of most chronic diseases. A…
Improve Your View of Aging to Live Longer
Your view of aging matters You can develop a positive view of getting older Part of developing a positive mental attitude involves adopting a positive attitude toward growing older. American cultural norms do not, however, often support such a positive attitude. To the contrary, most people perceive aging in a negative light. One of my…
Successful Aging
What is successful aging? What can you do to achieve it? Drs. John Rowe and Robert Kahn defined successful aging as the ability to maintain 1) low risk of disease and disease-related disability, 2) high mental and physical function, and 3) active engagement with life. Martha Crowther and colleagues proposed expanding the term to include…
Successful Aging According to Seniors
Two groups of Israeli seniors weigh in on successful aging Keep Moving, Eat Better, Cultivate Social Connections, Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, Live with Purpose Most studies of healthy aging focus on risk factors or steps that elders can take to increase their Quality of Lifespan. Two recent studies took a different approach, both seeking…