Category Archives: Health

Low Fat? Low Carb?

Maybe it doesn’t matter that much What about eating better? Chris Gardner’s article reporting the results of the DIETFIT randomized, clinical trial made a big splash in the news media in 2018. The trial tested whether a healthy low-fat or a healthy low-carb diet would promote greater weight loss. And the answer: A tie. Low-fat…

Do You Eat Enough Protein?

Official guidelines may be too low Increase protein at breakfast Science can be bothersome at times, providing contradictory guidelines for what we eat. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is expressed as number of grams of protein eaten per kilogram of body weight per day. For both adult men and adult women, experts proposed…

Learn to Forgive

Do you cart around a gunnysack filled with bitterness, anger, and resentments? Would your life improve if you dumped the gunnysack? Research shows that forgiveness can help you achieve lifelong vibrant health and emotional well-being.  Learning to forgive others for their real and imagined transgressions can turn your life around. Recalling angry moments in life…

Use a Fitness Monitor

What’s your level of daily physical activity? Most people have no idea. Lack of self-monitoring may partially account for the fact that most US adults don’t get the recommended minimum of 30 minutes of daily moderate intensity physical activity. Most US adults don’t take the recommended minimum of 10,000 daily steps, either. Why is self-monitoring…