Category Archives: Health

Hazards of Ultra-processed Foods

Lots of salt, sugar, unhealthy oils, additives, and calories Cut back on ultra-processed foods to Eat Better In his wildly successful book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan proposed eating foods that grandma ate and avoiding highly processed foods that she didn’t eat. That sounds nice, but does evidence support this advice? A new study in…

Eat Meat as a Garnish

Reduce the climate impacts of meat production Enjoy the flavor of meat without harming the planet Americans eat a lot of meat. In 2018, the US Department of Agriculture estimated the total US consumption of beef, pork, and poultry equaled 220 pounds per person. This equates to an average of 276 grams (about 10 ounces)…

Brief, Intense Training Builds Cardio Benefits

Too frazzled, too out of shape, too old to exercise? Incidental physical activity takes no extra time but builds fitness Do you feel that you’re too busy to Keep Moving? Do you feel that you’re too sedentary or old to Keep Moving? If so, you’ve got lots of company. In spite of overwhelming evidence that…

Loneliness Can Kill You

Loneliness is a state of mind But loneliness also harms the body Loneliness is a condition in which persons see themselves to be socially isolated as a consequence of perceived inadequate social connections. Loneliness can have serious consequences for health and well-being, including increased risk of dying. Loneliness is a growing public health problem that…