Category Archives: Diet

Fried Foods

Fried Foods May Not Be Your Friends Say Au Revoir to French Fries Americans like fried foods. Why? Frying often makes food taste better. French fried potatoes are one of America’s common meal items. And how about fried chicken? Or fried eggs? The science underlying the health effects of fried foods is mixed. Recent evidence…

Preventing Osteoporosis

A major issue for post-menopausal women But older men are also at risk Osteoporosis is an age‐related chronic disease. It’s typified by diminished bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration that leads to reduced bone quality and strength. This disease affects more than 14 million Americans, especially post-menopausal women. Lack of ovarian hormone production after menopause leads…

The End of Overeating

Between 1960 and 2002, the typical American adult gained an astounding 24 pounds. Any guesses why? David Kessler’s eye-opening book, The End of Overeating, offers a comprehensive explanation. According to Kessler, strong evidence suggests that this weight gain resulted primarily from overeating. Now you might think that the body’s homeostatic systems, which keep things pretty…

Eat Your Way to Better Health

Eat Your Way to Better Health. Where do you start to improve your health through eating better? I recommend from Jonny Bowden's book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. In this up-to-date and engaging book, Bowden identifies a subset of the 150 healthiest foods as all-star foods.