

Learn to Forgive Fred Luskin is the Director and Co-founder of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project. His book, Forgive for Good, provides a readable and helpful account of how you can use forgiveness to get over long-term grievances that sap energy from your life. You can learn to forgive everyone for perceived slights that you…

Get a Dog, Walk Your Dog, and Live Better

Fido Can Improve Your Health & Well-Being When my family adopted Amelia J Puppy Dog from the Boulder Humane Society in 2002, we had no idea how profoundly she would alter our lives for the better. Given that she was 9 months old when we got her, our new friend had lots of energy. In…

Fried Foods

Fried Foods May Not Be Your Friends Say Au Revoir to French Fries Americans like fried foods. Why? Frying often makes food taste better. French fried potatoes are one of America’s common meal items. And how about fried chicken? Or fried eggs? The science underlying the health effects of fried foods is mixed. Recent evidence…

Get a Dog

Walk Your Dog to Better Health and Well-Being Live Better through Three Healthy Choices Dogs are wonderful pets. Could a dog provide health benefits to the human owners? The authors of a 2011 review conclude that, with some qualifications, pet ownership benefits humans. Dog owners are likely to engage in more physical activity, mainly through…