
The End of Overeating

Between 1960 and 2002, the typical American adult gained an astounding 24 pounds. Any guesses why? David Kessler’s eye-opening book, The End of Overeating, offers a comprehensive explanation. According to Kessler, strong evidence suggests that this weight gain resulted primarily from overeating. Now you might think that the body’s homeostatic systems, which keep things pretty…

Cultivate a Network of Social Support

Exercise is widely cited as the biggest thing you can do to improve your health – but is it? Some respected scientists don’t think so. Award-winning author Sherwin Nuland in his book The Art of Aging quotes Dr. Leo Cooney of the Yale School of Medicine as follows: But exercise is not the Holy Grail.…

A Dozen Benefits of Restful Sleep

Sleep is vital for lifelong health and well-being. But do you realize just how beneficial sleep can be? The following list includes twelve potential benefits of regular, adequate, restful sleep. Repair of worn or broken tissues – It doesn’t take much imagination that realize that your body needs time to repair worn parts. Sleep provides…

Nurture Your Microbiome

Have you thought about your microbiome lately? Oh, you don’t know what it is? You’re not alone. Which is ironic given the importance of your microbiome to lifelong health and well-being. Your microbiome is a stupendously diverse and interactive collection of microbes living primarily in your large intestine. Some authorities estimate that you have more…