Diabetes Is Bad, Its Complications Are Worse You Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes People with type 2 diabetes find themselves at higher risk for numerous bad health outcomes. These include increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and impaired peripheral circulation, among others. Impaired peripheral circulation in tiny arteries leads to serious complications, such as amputations…
Change Your Mind to Live Longer
If You Want to Live Longer, Will You? Change Your Mind, Change Your Life Many factors influence how long you live. Recent research suggests that your will to live belongs on that list. Finnish researchers followed 283 older (average age 79) Helsinki residents with cardiovascular disease for 10 years as part of the Drugs and…
Healthy Habits for Healthy Living
Habits free up executive control resources Habits help you persist in reaching your goals The word “habit” elicits a somewhat negative connotation. As in a drug habit. But healthy habits can be your indispensable friends.What is a habit, anyway? In her new book, Good Habits, Bad Habits, Wendy Wood, a psychology professor at UCLA, defines…
Why Don’t Older People Exercise More?
It’s not that exercise lacks benefits What about costs, lack of time, physical limitations? Regular physical activity reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, falls, cognitive impairments, osteoporosis, and muscular weakness. By contrast, the sedentary lifestyle that typifies many older people predicts premature onset of ill health, disease, and frailty. Physical activity is safe for healthy…