
Turn Back the Clock

Healthy choices lower your risk of cardiovascular disease Baby boomers aren’t making enough healthy choices It makes sense that people who adopt healthy lifestyle habits earlier in life would improve their health and well-being. But do people who adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors later in life benefit as well? Researchers from the University of South Carolina…

Reduce Your Biological Age

Ares you older biologically that chronologically? You can grow younger biologically Biological and chronological aging do not necessarily proceed at the same rate, especially during old age. Terms such as successful aging, positive aging, and frailty qualitatively attempt to capture biological aging. Frailty can quantitatively express the loss of function with age. Researchers at Tulane…

Biological Age Vs. Chronological Age

Biological aging starts early in adulthood Reduced biological aging predicts major benefits Chronic disease exacts a huge toll on Americans and the US medical care system. The burden of chronic diseases rises exponentially with age. Thus, it makes sense for those of us in our younger years to take steps to reduce our risk of…

Fat Location Matters

Where does your body fat reside? Belly fat predicts higher mortality risk Subcutaneous fat occurs just beneath the skin. Visceral fat occurs within the abdominal cavity. Researchers used data from 3,001 participants in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring and Third-Generation cohorts to determine links between these types of fat and metabolic risk factors, such as…