
Eat More Foods With Lower Energy Density

Eat the same amount of food but fewer calories Priority foods have high water content (fruits and vegetables) Losing weight is often difficult but keeping the weight off over the long term is even more difficult. Researchers at the University of Alabama – Birmingham developed the EatRight Weight Management Program. Its cornerstone is a low…

Physical Activity Trackers

Do they really promote greater physical activity? Or are they just toys? Electronic trackers monitor various aspects of physical activity to let us know the extent of our activity. But the more important function is to motivate those who use trackers to increase or at least maintain their levels of physical activity. Do trackers employ…

Environmentally Sustainable Healthy Food Production

Healthy foods have less environmental impact than unhealthy foods We’ll need to change what we eat to have a livable planet Nine of the top 15 risk factors for illness globally arise from poor quality diets. Diseases linked to poor diets account for 40 percent of deaths globally. Food production creates about 30 percent of…

Urban Greenness and Your Health

More biodiversity, birds, butterflies, better health More trees, greater greenness, greater well-being Natural environments and green spaces can improve several aspects of human health, including better mental health, diminished allergies, and reduced mortality risk. The biophilia hypothesis proposed by the late E. O. Wilson asserts that humans have an innate affinity for the natural world,…